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teaching license

Omotesenke Licenses

In the omotesenke tradition of tea, the iemoto issues licenses to students interested in learning chanoyu. The licenses are given in a progression and are as follows:

Nyuu Mon
This is the license to learn how to be a guest at a tea ceremony. It also covers how to serve thin tea both in a tea room setting as well as outside a tea room using a tray. Finally, the license covers how to make a charcoal fire to heat the water used in the tea ceremony.
After learning the basics of being a guest and making thin tea, the naraigoto license adds in making thick tea. It also covers variations for when the host has an important utensil to draw attention to, how to honor an important guest, or how to simplify the ceremony when the host is old and infirmed.
The kazarimono license teaches the student how to display notable items in the tokonoma or display area.
When a guest brings the host some tea at the last minute, the host will graciously accept it and include it as part of the tea ceremony. How the extra tea is incorporated is taught in the satsuubako license.
Karamono begins to teach students how to use ancient Chinese imported items. In the 16th century, tea was prepared using imported utensils from China. The karamono license begins to teach the student how to use them.
After learning the basics of karamono, daitenmoku teaches the student how to use an ancient Chinese temomku teabowl sitting on a stand.
Bonten is the highest license a student can have without going to the iemoto's house and learning the remaining topics. Bonten teaches how to use an ancient tea caddy and a tray for protecting it.
This is the procedure for using a daisu table.
This is the procedure for using a formal daisu table.

The shikakusha license is not given to learn new material. Rather it is a license stating the student is qualified to teach under the tutelage of a kyojusha. A shikakusha can teach any material covered in any license at least one below the student license the shikakusha possesses. Generally, this license is not granted to anyone below karamono.
Koushi Toritsugi
This is neither a license to learn nor a license to teach. Rather, it is simply a title given to a shikakusha who is actively teaching students.
This license is given to shikakusha, who meet the required qualifications, to teach any license at or below bonten. To earn the kyojusha license, the student must be at least 50 years old, been teaching students for at least 10 years and has been studying bonten for at least 10 years. Additionally, they need to complete a five-year training course.